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12 Ways to Make Bad Decisions
Choosing the best path forward is not always as easy as you think
“Nothing is more difficult, and therefore more precious, than to be able to decide.” — Napoleon Bonaparte
Think about this for a moment: how do any of us ever decide anything?
With all of the myriad choices before us — all of the opportunities, options, and different ways to proceed — how do we actually choose?
Most of us like to think that the decisions we make are wise ones— that we take the time to think through our choices and select the best path forward
The good news is that sometimes this actually happens.
The not-so-good-news is that often it doesn’t — that, in fact, our decisions are shaped by a lot of invisible factors we are not necessarily aware of. Oops!
What follows are 12 of the most common factors that contribute to funky decision making. See if you can identity the ones that tend to have their way with you… your primary relationships… or the team you work most closely with.
1. Selective Search for Evidence: Gathering facts that support pre-determined conclusions, but disregard other facts that support different conclusions.