After Listening to You

In gratitude for Prem Rawat’s gift of Self-Knowledge

Mitch Ditkoff
3 min readJun 8, 2024
Photo by Megan Watson on Unsplash

In 1971, I heard about a 13-year old boy from India, known at that time as “Guru Maharaji” (now known as Prem Rawat). What he was saying completely blew my mind — that everything I was looking for was inside me.

And not only that. He also had the knack for helping people experience that everything – something he called “Knowledge.”

So I took him up on his offer and had my own experience of it, also learning four simple techniques to stay in touch with this place of inner peace, joy and gratitude no matter what was happening on the outside.

It is now 53 years later and I am still enjoying what Prem showed me — this gift of Self-Knowledge — my home base in the world’s game of tag.

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Here’s a poem I wrote last year in gratitude to Prem

After listening to you,
I am moving much differently today,
more like the wind than one on his way,
more like the river with nothing to say,
more like the prayer than needing to pray.



Mitch Ditkoff

Co-Founder of Idea Champions and Face the Music. Author of Storytelling for the Revolution, Storytelling at Work, Unspoken Word and Free the Genie. Human being