Member-only story
Draw a Breath, Not a Line
Life is much simpler than you think
Throughout history and even last Thursday, inner-directed people on the so-called “spiritual path”, have had a tendency to perceive the world as “maya” — the fancy Sanscrit name for “illusion.”
I used to feel this way a lot.
Back in the early days of my adolescent quest for meaning, I had a curious habit of drawing lines in the sand. On one side of the line was the “inner life” — the place where God lived (or if not lived, at least vacationed). On the other side of the line was “the world.” You know — the laughable detritus of life on planet Earth: shopping malls, money, politics, ego, relationships, organized religion, high school geometry, taxes, Frosted Flakes, and anything I didn’t understand, agree with, or like.
Somehow, it made me feel good to draw these lines — not unlike the way Democrat and Republican spin doctors strut their stuff on CNN after each political debate.
Well… I would like to take this early morning blogospheric moment to humbly apologize to all of those whose lives I somehow judged by my habitual line-drawing behavior.
I see things differently now — kind of like that old Zen story…
Two young monks, one fine day, found themselves existentially arguing over whether it…