Member-only story
My First Contact with Prem Rawat
It wasn’t quite what I expected. It was way better than that.
See that guy above? Looks a little intense, eh? Must be on some kind of spiritual trip. Or maybe he’s just protein deficient. I’m guessing he’s into Eastern things. Probably reads the Bhagavad Gita and doesn’t make enough money to pay taxes. Maybe he lives in a tent. Fruitarian? Vegan? I really don’t know for sure.
Wait a minute! That’s me! 53 years ago!
Now you know why my parents were so freaked out when I was in my 20’s. After all, I was their golden boy, the carrier of the family name, the hope for the future.
According to everyone, I was supposed to be a doctor, lawyer, or dentist. Maybe even a rabbi. I coulda been a contender.
What happened? Why the long hair, sallow cheeks, and penetrating I-can-outstare-anyone look?
Growing up in the suburbs of New York, you’d never think I would have gone off what some people referred to as the “deep end.” After all, I had my own room, my own TV, a dog, good grades, played varsity basketball, and went to summer camp. And…