The Beginning of the Book that My Daughter, Mimi, Asked Me to Write

It’s a book of wisdom from a father to his children

Mitch Ditkoff
6 min readDec 24, 2022
Mimi and me in San Miguel de Allende a few years ago

Last Christmas, I asked my fabulous daughter, Mimi, to tell me what my next book should be about. In less than a second, she looked me straight in the eye and said “A book of wisdom from a father to his children.”

“And what should the title of the book be?” I replied.

“A Code to Live By.”

Mimi was totally in the zone — a messenger at that moment from the great beyond. Like an oracle.

What follows is grist for the mill for the book, a list of what I’ve learned so far about life —at least some of the essential stuff I will develop further for the book that Mimi asked me to write for her and Jesse, her brother, my amazing son.

A sneak peak at some of the topics to be featured in “A Code to Live By”.

  1. Everything I need is within me.

2. There is only now. The past is over. The future is a dream.

3. Love is the only game in town. (And it begins by loving yourself).

4. It’s easy to forget. But it’s also easy to remember.

5. Eventually we all need to let go (so why not let go now?)



Mitch Ditkoff

Co-Founder of Idea Champions and Face the Music. Author of Storytelling for the Revolution, Storytelling at Work, Unspoken Word and Free the Genie. Human being