Member-only story
Introducing Free the Genie
A GPS for your creative process & a great way to spark brilliance
Free the Genie is a highly engaging innovation-sparking service for forward-thinking individuals and teams — without a lot of time – who are committed to manifesting bold, new possibilities.
Simply put, Free the Genie is a catalyst for breakthroughs – a simple way to unlock and unleash your innate brilliance in service to a venture that is calling you from deep within.
What Free the Genie clients receive is the distillation of 35 years worth of Idea Champions’ experience designing and facilitating creative thinking and brainstorming sessions for more than 10,000 people in more than 150 organizations in 11 different countries — the fine art of originating, developing and implementing the kind of ideas that have the potential to make a real difference in the world.
Once you say YES (and so much depends on saying YES), the following Free the Genie services will be available to you. Some of these are included in our standard package and some are optional. You choose.

1. Real clarity about your goal, challenge or opportunity
Albert Einstein once said, “If I had an hour to solve a problem and my life depended on the solution, I would spend the first 55 minutes determining the proper question to ask, for once I know the proper question, I could solve the problem in less than 5 minutes.”
This is precisely why all Free the Genie engagements begin with our clients pausing to define their most powerful question to explore with us.
At least a week before your online Free the Genie brainstorming session, you will receive a link to our “Frame Your Real Question” page. There you will be guided through a simple process that will enable you to get your arms around what you are really trying to accomplish — the kind of question that would make Albert Einstein smile.
Your Free the Genie facilitator will then study your responses, note their feedback, and forward the results to you — ensuring that the question you end up diving into with us will be as powerful as possible.