Member-only story
The The 10 Commandments for Visiting a New Age Ashram
A Handy Dandy Guide for Getting to the Heart of the Matter
During the past five decades, a curious phenomenon has swept this nation.
Inspired by the teachings of several Master souls from the East, an unusually large number of ashrams and retreats have made their appearance on the scene — spiritual centers designed to provide seekers of the truth with a focused environment in which to practice their particular spiritual path.
Seduced by the Western notion of cause and effect, they somehow think that spiritual attainment is related to the way they act — as if God were some kind of transcultural Santa Claus looking for good little boys and girls to bring his shiny red fire trucks to.
While most people who spend time in these places are extremely dedicated and sincere, there still remains a goodly number who, in their attempt to have “an experience,” miss the point completely.
Not surprisingly, the spirit of the law is all too often traded for the letter — a letter that, no matter how many stamps are put on it, is continually returned for insufficient postage.
Surrender is replaced by submission; patience by hesitation; and humility by timidity.