The Top 100 Lamest Excuses for Not Innovating

And how to go beyond them in order to work your magic

Mitch Ditkoff
7 min readJun 14, 2024
Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

Strange as it may sound, I have gotten a guided tour of the human psyche for the past 37 years.

During this time, as the Co-Founder and President of Idea Champions — an innovation consulting and training company — I have worked with more than 130 organizations in 11 different countries, each of whom aspired to crank up innovation.

These companies spanned many different industries: pharmaceutical, telecommunications, manufacturing, financial services, chemical, technology, entertainment, health care, and education just to name a few.

And while they all had their own unique cultures and acronyms, they also shared something in common: limiting assumptions.

No matter how optimistic, educated, and forward-thinking they were, it was only a matter a time before massive excuse-making headed its ugly rear.

You know — the reasons why something CAN’T happen.

And so, I decided to document my clients excuses — not to depress them, but to help them better understand what they were dealing with.

As Sun Tzu once said, “Every battle is won or lost before…



Mitch Ditkoff

Co-Founder of Idea Champions and Face the Music. Author of Storytelling for the Revolution, Storytelling at Work, Unspoken Word and Free the Genie. Human being