Why I Am Traveling 27 Hours to See Prem Rawat in Australia

Yes, I’m looking forward to his September Amaroo retreat

Mitch Ditkoff
5 min readJun 28, 2024
Photo: Thom Adorney

On September 5th, I will be traveling 27 hours to Amaroo (Australia) to spend five days with Prem Rawat and about 2,500 people from more than 35 countries at an outdoor celebration of love.

When I tell some of my friends, they look at me as if I’ve gone off the deep end.

“Why?” they ask. “Haven’t you seen him enough in the past 53 years? Don’t you already know what he’s going to say?”

Their questions all make sense. Logically speaking, that is. But my experience of seeing and listening to Prem Rawat, especially in Amaroo for five days, is not a logical thing. It’s a love thing. And love is not always logical.

Can I experience this anywhere? Yes, I can. That’s the whole point — that each one of us can experience what we were born for anywhere. No, it doesn’t take a trip to Australia to experience it. Wherever we are is the right place to be.

But… somehow… some way — at least for me — spending five days, unplugged, in this man’s company, helps me get way more deeply in touch with this reality.



Mitch Ditkoff

Co-Founder of Idea Champions and Face the Music. Author of Storytelling for the Revolution, Storytelling at Work, Unspoken Word and Free the Genie. Human being